Use of marijuana by youngsters has been increasing, their age decreasing.
Local residents can be seen doing exercises in the morning, playing cards (by senior citizens) and cricket by youngsters during the day.
A truly effective campaign to end smoking by youngsters would virtually insure the demise of the industry.
Where the deal falls woefully short is in provisions designed to force the industry to actually reduce the amount of smoking by youngsters under 18.
A9 Killings by youngsters in Canada are on the rise.
Anything that might be dangerous to handle, especially by youngsters, should be kept on high shelves or in locked cabinets.
Creating art does, even if it is by doddery old people or disabled youngsters etc.
'We are very aware of the need for more exercise by both adults and youngsters,' he said.
They came one by one-five youngsters and an older man-shivering in the piercing cold.