The King's son, Crown Prince Salman bin Hamad Al Khalifa, went on Bahrain TV asking for a calm resolution and open dialogue.
The woman, although her face was thickly veiled in gem-sparkling lace, showed an impressive, calm resolution as she rose to her feet.
We'll find a solution,' said Bethany, again with the oddly calm resolution of hers.
The work carries a simple form, with a dramatic multitextural section leading into a calm resolution (if such a thing exists in Berio's music) at the end.
Orlando displays neither fear nor boastfulness, but only calm resolution.
Simply calm resolution.
Generally, he conveyed calm resolution to keep talking until Britain agreed to his demand for all-party talks.
Mr. Putin, speaking at the Kremlin, struck a note of calm resolution, admonishing Russians that terrorism was an "international illness" for which the only cure was "political will," the "vigilance of the people" and effective law enforcement.
There was no joy in her voice, only a sense of calm resolution, as she spoke of the family's willingness to attend a trial, to see the law take its course.
He was a man of great stature, who possessed a rational outlook, calm resolution and a conciliatory manner.