Vance smoked calmly for a minute; I could not help admiring his self-control.
In the top bunk, directly above, lay Charles Davis, calmly smoking a pipe.
The Shadow was seated in an easy-chair beside a table, calmly smoking a thin cigar.
Lamont Cranston, calmly smoking a cigarette, was standing in a corner of the office.
He was leaning back at his ease and calmly smoking a long pipe.
But he continued to smoke calmly, watching the Greek under his half-closed lids.
Lamont Cranston, calmly smoking a cigarette in the back seat, smiled as he felt the cab swerve around another corner.
Leaning backward, he put a cigarette in his long holder and began to smoke calmly.
On the highest point of the wreckage sat a tall figure calmly smoking a cigarette.
To the side of the landing pad a thin, hatchet-faced man stood calmly smoking a cigarette.