He states that capitalism creates a division between classes which can largely be seen in manufacturing factories.
But that which capitalism creates, it also destroys.
It's worth pointing out that Walmart exists because of the poverty capitalism deliberately creates.
They say that capitalism creates hierarchies because some people have more money than others.
In the process, critics say, capitalism has created a profit driven system based on selling as many products as possible.
Most industrialized governments have long held that laissez-faire capitalism creates social evils that harm its citizens.
Abortion is now legal in Poland, and capitalism has created enormous disparities in wealth.
Well, its the only way to clear up the social mess that capitalism creates and taxation/public expenditure is the most efficient model for achieving this.
The problem is that capitalism, with its capital markets, creates instability and imbalance in the world.
Yes, capitalism has created the technology to work for only 15 hours/week.