He was one of eight cardinals appointed on May 11, 1543 to a commission to manage the affairs of the upcoming Council of Trent.
A special commission of cardinals appointed to oversee finances said the deficit was expected to increase in 1988 and warned that the Vatican had exhausted its reserve funds.
He was one of six cardinals appointed by the pope to investigate the case of Cardinal Innocenzo Ciocchi Del Monte.
It was nearly 100 years before Scotland had its first post-Reformation cardinal appointed.
Benedetto Pamphili was allowed to come to Rome and became a cardinal, also appointed by Innocent X.
On June 27, 1571, he was one of three cardinals appointed by the pope to study providing assistance for the poor of Rome.
On November 4, 1517, he was one of eight cardinals appointed to a commission to wage war against the Ottoman Empire.
Its seven members are cardinals appointed by the Pope for terms of five years.
In the early history of cardinals, all cardinals appointed were published as a matter of course.
He remains the youngest cardinal appointed since 1930.