They could try firing torpedoes through them- but that courted the risk of catastrophic destruction while the subspace weapon was deployed.
The Klingons are only three-and-a-half decades removed from the catastrophic destruction of their moon.
The threat of catastrophic destruction from The Bomb loomed over everyone and everything.
Even though the small crack is not visualized it may lead to catastrophic destruction of the system.
Saving all these children's lives might be easier than helping them to accept a future founded on the shaky ground of personal tragedy and catastrophic destruction.
Flooding caused catastrophic destruction to Ocotillo, and six people drowned.
What happens if the technology is lost - through gradual change or catastrophic destruction?
In the present time these introductions continue to occur, and in some cases give rise to catastrophic destruction of habitat.
In extreme cases, catastrophic destruction of the converter will occur.
"But how could you know it would result in anything other than a major break in the fault and the hastening of catastrophic destruction?"