After a while he rolled from her and lay there, staring up through layers of darkness at the dim, coiled shape of dragons in the ceiling mosaic, thinking of the boy.
The theme of the design, the Historical Russian fight for freedom and independence, is expressed in eight large ceiling mosaics by Pavel Korin.
A large ceiling mosaic was made from more than two million enamel glass tiles handmade in Florence, Italy.
This was used for the historic European wall and ceiling mosaics, following underdrawings of the main outlines on the wall below, which are often revealed again when the mosaic falls away.
Its famous ceiling mosaics have been fully restored, and can be viewed inside the entrance hall.
The guides have fly-through videos of the dome galleries and zoomable close-ups of the ceiling mosaics, painting and photography.
Although the station was named for a Russian poet, the ceiling mosaics honor the country's sportsmen.
Surrounded by filament lights there are a total of 34 ceiling mosaics by Alexander Deyneka with the theme "24-Hour Soviet Sky."
The ceiling mosaic depicts John the Baptist baptizing Jesus (depicted with beard) standing waist high in the Jordan River.
One side of the gallery commands a fine view of the church's interior and permits a closer look at the ceiling mosaics.