Now here came this alien bishop, imposed from without, to denounce all such practices as abominable sin, and clear his diocese of all but the celibate clergy.
Studies comparing sexual abuse among married Protestant and Jewish clergy and celibate Catholic clergy show similar rates.
Overpopulation is why I'm in favor of homosexuality and a celibate clergy.
A celibate clergy is an especially good idea, because it tends to suppress any hereditary propensity toward fanaticism.
Is it possible that the celibate clergy of the church cannot imagine being married without wanting to control the timing and number of their children?
The Monastic Brotherhood consists of the celibate clergy of the monastery who are led by an abbot.
Exactly what a celibate clergy needs.
Still others claim that only a celibate clergy could misunderstand the problem of pedophilia.
Several cultures, however, have revised this and now have forms of married lay teachers, who are distinct from the celibate clergy.
The rationalization that the problem is no worse for a celibate clergy ignores the reality of the celibate structure.