The action is centered in Kerrith and the surrounding area, including the district near Manderley.
This investigation took place from 1999 to 2000 and centered on accounting practices for the company's many acquisitions, including a practice known as "spring-loading."
There are also several university courses centred on analysis of the Potter series, including an upper division Political Science course.
The district is centered on the southern Central Coast, including much of Ventura County.
Community development projects are centered on health, including nutrition and vaccination of children, tree planting, and building and improving schools.
The by-election campaign centred around a number of issues, including housing, law and order and the environment.
Elam was centered in the far west and the southwest of modern-day Iran, including a small part of southern Iraq.
The series centered on Monty Nash, a government investigator who went undercover to catch criminals, including counterfeiters and smugglers.
The internet encouraged and fostered the development of many clubs centered around specific vehicles, including niche makes and models.
Their questions centered on some $7 million worth of continuing construction projects, including nearly $3 million in seawall construction.