Eventually, the Conner was transported to the hospital where he was diagnosed with a cervical fracture.
About one in 20 cervical fractures are missed and about two-thirds of these patients have further spinal-cord damage as a result.
"However ... the military physician who examined the body a few minutes later discovered that cause of death was a clean cervical fracture."
Twice he has had patients suffer cervical fractures and drive themselves into the clinic rather than wait for an ambulance.
Even more intractable was her neck pain from the cervical fractures and herniated discs.
Considerable force is needed to cause a cervical fracture.
In the presence of severe head trauma, cervical fracture must be presumed until ruled out.
Whenever patients have a traumatic head or neck injury, they may have a cervical fracture.
At the 17th fence, Avenger incurred a cervical fracture in a fall and had to be euthanised.
Sang said she drew inspiration from Reeve, who is also confined to a wheelchair after a cervical fracture.