These were characterized by a much shallower decline in the demand for HE into the 1990s than previously.
Instead, published messages are characterized into classes, without knowledge of what, if any, subscribers there may be.
The Family of Love era was characterized by expansion into more countries.
As compared to the classical approaches, the new trend is characterized by expansion of the theory into the 3D flows.
"The world in the year 2020 will be characterized by the penetration of technology into all aspects of life," the report says.
They are characterized into two categories based on the diameter of the particle.
One of the artist's ongoing projects has been characterized as an "investigation into the origins of the universe."
Fundamental discriminants may also be characterized by their factorization into positive and negative prime powers.
Her work is primarily characterized by research into visual traditions, taboos, and the body of the individual in relationship to social bodies.
However, his work is characterized by a distillation of the images into their essential components for impact.