He meets Sydney and they chat comfortably, except for a heated argument that serves to further display their similarities as sensitive, free-spirited individuals.
He answered the phone again and began chatting comfortably in German.
Teneria and Alorria joined them there, and the five sat comfortably chatting for some time.
He can chat comfortably for 20 minutes with an $11,000-a-year cafeteria aide, yet he has increased his salary to $292,000 and approved opulent spending at the council.
Tiria noticed it, and she also noticed how the other people in the car were relaxing, smiling and chatting comfortably with one another.
The two women chatted comfortably as they stretched their legs in the morning sunshine, each happy to have found a friend.
If you are so concerned about publishing, I suggest you join me in the lounge at the Dresden China, where we can chat comfortably.
And they were still chatting comfortably with each other when she rejoined them in the living-room, feeling very much like a spare part.
Now he stops by regularly to buy sunglasses at her store, chatting comfortably with customers.
She merely stood there comfortably chatting away as if we were all on rocking chairs on her front porch.