While this excellent supply would be satisfactory if prepared without adornment, the chef has added a few fillips, which take it out of the ordinary.
The chef here loves sweet things, and adds something sweet to almost every dish, not always for the better.
Some chefs add a few tablespoons of wine or pisco following the sautee step.
Where to Eat During hunting season, many Parisian chefs add fresh game to their menus.
The first, that a chef accidentally added melted chocolate to biscuit dough.
"One must not be even slightly careless in the choice of materials," the chef added.
I believe (guessing here) chefs add the salt in order to achieve a higher temp, so that the food itself will cook faster.
The new chef has trimmed the menu and added a contemporary French touch.
An interesting point is that today's young chefs are not only turning out these long-established staples, but are adding their own touches to them.
Even the amount of cheese that some chefs add to their creations fits right in with the food guide pyramid.