Additional examples are adjusted to the entries in an automated way - we cannot guarantee that they are correct.
These currently have no citable real-world examples outside of fiction.
Their HQ was a space craft and later a citable.
All contributions to the discussion are also permanently archived and fully citable.
The dictionary is considered to be "dependable baseline definitions" and a "citable, common source".
Failure to comply with speed limits and overhead instructions are citable offences.
The published pages are citable by digital object identifiers (DOIs).
Nature Precedings functioned as a permanent, citable archive for pre-publication research and preliminary findings.
The JCR impact factor is basically a ratio between citations and citable items published'.
All the literature and encyclopedias are citable since text sources, page numbers and permanent links to the single pages are quoted.
("Citable items" are usually articles, reviews, proceedings, or notes; not editorials or letters to the editor.)
(As a result of negotiations over whether items are "citable", impact factor variations of more than 300% have been observed.)
Soliciting for prostitution is only a misdemeanor, a citable offense in this state for which the perpetrator is ordinarily not even taken into custody.
The Act was citable with two amending Acts as the Architects (Registration) Acts, 1931 to 1938.
The ratio of 2008 citations to 2006-2007 citable items is 2.820 for AJOG, and an impressive 4.333 for the supplement.
Bonewald is also the founder of Citability, an organization whose mission is to ensure all government documents are made accessible and citable to a paragraph level.
PIRSA is a permanent, free, searchable, and citable archive of recorded seminars, conferences, workshops, and outreach events.
The Energy Fact Check debunks myths and misinformation surrounding the renewable energy industry, providing citable facts about this growing segment of American businesses.
Despite the reporter's name, those decisions are also citable as precedent, since they would have been published but for the court's severely disorganized condition at the time they were issued.
The law reduced the penalty for personal possession of an ounce or less of marijuana from a felony to a citable misdemeanor with a maximum fine of $100.
"It [the settlement] provides a means whereby those lost books of the last century can be brought back to life and made searchable, discoverable, and citable," he argues.
These uncorrected manuscripts are fully citable and indexed by PubMed, and remain available until the author-corrected proofs are published online.
To ensure publication precedence for authors, and to provide a lasting record of the scientific discussion, both the journal and the forum are permanently archived and fully citable.
GMDD and GMD are both ISSN-registered, permanently archived and fully citable.
In April, 2010, San Luis Obispo strengthened its anti-smoking legislation, making smoking in public, excepting for certain conditions, a citable offense beginning on June 20, 2010.
But Portillo whose Spanish name meaning the narrow gate, is very citable to a man responsible for sanctioning public spending bids, would need a department of his own before he became a serious leadership candidate.