On Saturday 4 November, under heavy artillery fire, two Scottish Highlander regiments advance, and 170 civilians seek shelter in the town hall's cellars.
A Home Ministry official in New Delhi said some of the casualties had probably been caught in cross-fire as civilians sought to flee the fighting.
After the violence began, streets in the city center were quickly deserted as civilians sought shelter from the events.
Anne O'Mahony, director of the Irish aid agency Concern in Rwanda, said civilians were seeking military protection from Hutu rebels.
Sixty thousand civilians loaded with loot from all of Europe had sought refuge there during the last months of the war.
For the next autumn, the civilians seeking the means to integrate as a new entity, indigenous communities, farmers and citizens directly and indirectly apriban building project.
The Union artillery ceased firing when a local citizen informed Canby the Confederates would not permit the civilians to seek shelter.
But Mr. Peres defiantly insisted that Hezbollah guerrillas had provoked the attack on a United Nations base where the civilians were seeking shelter.
Human Rights Watch said shells exploded over populated civilian areas, including a crowded Palestinian refugee camp and a United Nations school where civilians were seeking refuge.
The United States and its allies, meanwhile, have little to offer the civilians seeking refuge from the upheaval.