Soot we knew about, diamonds we prized - but all this time, carbon, good ol' Element Six, has had a shocking clandestine existence.
Throughout the 1980's, he was a leader of Solidarity's clandestine existence.
He was a wanted man in the Lebanon and UNACO couldn't do anything publicly without endangering their own clandestine existence.
After a 1989 meeting between President Mikhail S. Gorbachev and the Pope, churches were permitted to function legally after a generation of clandestine existence.
Thus he is forced to lead a clandestine existence, abandoned only when he occasionally reappears to demand money from his wife.
It was during that period, investigators say, that Mr. McVeigh slipped into a clandestine existence as he prepared for the attack.
Therefore, the activities of this organization were banned throughout the world, after which it "maintained clandestine existence, publishing a magazine, Otpor (Resistance)."
This clandestine existence is like a job, a place he reports to every morning, and it proves to be more fulfilling and exciting than his real life.