As the claustrophobic panic closed in, Langdon was overcome by images of the sarcophagus shrinking around him.
The quivering terror and underlying outrage, the claustrophobic panic that made it nearly impossible to breathe.
He tossed and thrashed in a sudden claustrophobic panic.
He felt an instant of claustrophobic panic.
She'd tried the old, presynesthesia eyescreens that covered up normal vision, but they'd brought on a claustrophobic panic.
For a moment she was seized by the claustrophobic panic of being pressed on both sides by stone.
Simon saw the wide blankness of her eyes, caught the claustrophobic panic rising in her.
But once home, the noise, the closed quarters, the lack of sleep, even the odors, would combine to restore Ben's claustrophobic panic.
As the door closed, Susan suddenly felt claustrophobic panic, though she had never suffered from claustrophobia in her life.
Inducing claustrophobic panic by cutting off his air supply is also a simple but effective disciplinary technique.