The first clean punch of the fight was landed by Wormald, who caught the champion with a solid right to the jaw.
It was a good clean punch.
After landing several clean punches and knees on the ground, both stood up.
In the sixth round he became somewhat more aggressive himself and landed a number of clean punches on Foreman.
Hearns landed maybe one or two clean punches in the first, Leonard had at least five or six.
She dropped, but only into her deepest stance, and took his open belly with a clean reverse punch.
The first cut opened after an accidental head clash, while the second came from a clean punch.
He dropped onto the guard and landed a clean punch to the young man's jaw.
His left jab might have been the cleanest scoring punch of the entire championships.
Williams landed more shots in the fight, but Martinez landed the cleaner punches throughout.