In 905, a coalition of neighbors forced Fortún Garcés to retire to a monastery, and enthroned in his place a scion of a new dynasty.
Ocean dumping was the primary means of disposal until 1935, when a coalition of New Jersey coastal cities forced New York to end the practice.
The question the coalition is forcing: does California, with a penal system larger than that of most countries, need a new prison?
The coalition successfully forced Musharraf's resignation.
Just last year, her center-right coalition forced through an unpopular plan to extend the life of nuclear power plants, with the last to close in 2036.
An unusual coalition of liberal Democrats and conservative Republicans, particularly freshman Republicans, forced the vote, which was 407 to 21.
The coalition will force companies to open up their books.
The question is whether we should now wish the coalition forces a swift victory so as to avoid long-drawn-out misery both for the public and for themselves.
Herbert was captured and imprisoned for two years until a coalition forced his release.
Last week a coalition of developing countries forced the issue by formally nominating Stanley Fischer, the I.M.F.'s first deputy managing director.