At a time like this, a coalition with the separatists cannot help Canada.
And at the same time, our coalition is helping to improve the daily lives of the Iraqi people.
This coalition helped generate the public attention that was an important factor in bringing down teen pregnancy rates during recent years.
"We thought the Americans and the coalition would help with agriculture and other problems, and so far it's not happening," he said.
Few people know of it, but the coalition has helped shape Newark's public housing policies for years to come.
This coalition has helped lead the conversation about defense spending in the broader debate over federal deficit reductions.
In its two months of existence, the coalition has helped to exempt several industries from at least some effects of the proposed tax.
This coalition helped him win reelection in 1988, with a considerably smaller mandate.
He said a broader coalition could help stabilize the country and lessen the risks for American troops.
A coalition would help the United States balance the interests of its outside partners.