In recent years, a diverse coalition of advocacy groups, scholars and politicians around the country has sought to promote women's history.
Arts for Lawrence, a coalition of artists, politicians and others in and around Lawrence, said it was prepared to fight any attempt to sell.
It was opposed by a broad coalition of politicians and lobbying groups, some of whom backed the competing measure as a less-offensive alternative.
Although the MPC was not very successful, he won the election with a coalition of conservative politicians, the business community, and the peasants.
She said she would work with a coalition of politicians from cold-weather states to get the emergency money into a coming omnibus bill.
Backing the measure was a smaller, but also diverse, coalition of groups and politicians, each advocating a laundry list of changes.
In 1890, Ballance led a loose coalition of liberal politicians to victory in the general election.
The Latter was a coalition of various unorthodox-left politicians and more liberal "realists".
Many foreign observers discount the opposition as mostly rich or middle class, a coup-prone coalition of opportunistic politicians.
There are coalitions of scientists, politicians and fishermen who are working hard to ensure that fish stocks around the world maintain sustainable populations.