And the emergence of the cocaine barons has helped political bribery to flourish, though the old elites and the new mafia share an uneasy alliance.
But the cocaine barons have nonetheless gained entry to the city's elite social clubs.
And harassed ranchers have few qualms about selling to cocaine barons, especially since to them price is no object.
Blanche smiled and said she did not mean that, but the reference to Colombian cocaine barons and the mafia.
Ultimately evidence would show that cocaine barons have no politics, only self-interest.
What might he become: a studio head, a cocaine baron, a rock promoter, a media mogul, a star?
Caught between armed guerrillas, cocaine barons and poachers, Colombia's unnumbered species of frog are in peril.
Many have begun to suggest that officials abandon the campaign against cocaine barons.
But the attacks stopped when cocaine barons declared a truce in their war against the state last July.
Cyprus Mail: Suspected cocaine baron 'hiding in the north'