Part of the brain that may be important in addiction reacts the same way to nicotine that it does to cocaine, heroin and other addictive drugs, researchers have found.
Through its publishing arm, The Union Signal, the organization distributes pamphlets about the dangers of cocaine, heroin and other drugs, including tobacco.
To the Editor: A. M. Rosenthal (column, July 29) claims that "marijuana is a gateway to the use of cocaine, heroin and other 'hard' narcotics."
Many street-level drug dealers in the District of Columbia hold legitimate jobs and spend less than four hours a day hustling cocaine, heroin and other drugs, a study made public yesterday says.
But that provided treatment for only 39,000 of the city's estimated 600,000 people addicted to cocaine, heroin and other drugs, he said.
On the night of June 8, 1997 Timmons consumed a large amount of alcohol, crack cocaine, PCP, heroin and other substances before beginning his spree.
That's real big news because that can only be true if the street sale and use of cocaine, heroin and other drugs were legalized while nobody was looking.
In 1999, 554,000 people ended up in the emergency room for problems related to cocaine, heroin and other drugs.
Drugs such as cocaine, methamphetamine, heroin, etc., accumulate in the neonatal hair during its growth and hence serve as a long term "memory" of what happened during fetal life.
Mexican drug cartels play a major role in the flow of cocaine, heroin, and marijuana transiting between Latin America and the United States.