The character of the state had changed decisively from the coercive apparatus of monarchical power to the increasingly bureaucratic (but determinedly laissez-faire) administration of the first capitalist nation.
They also launched attacks against pro-Bourbon presses, and paralyzed the coercive apparatus of the monarchy.
At least, Mr. Ahmad argued, India has managed to address Muslim concerns without what he called the "coercive apparatus" that some European countries have adopted.
Export slaving entailed the construction of a coercive apparatus which could have been subsequently turned to other ends, such as policing a captive labour force.
In France a more elaborate and complex coercive apparatus existed than anywhere else in Western Europe - the system of classement set up by Colbert in 1668-73.
Inspired by Skopcol's work on revolution, Belin argues that democratic transition can only be carried out when the state's coercive apparatus lacks the will or capacity to crush it.
In short, the strength, coherence, and effectiveness of the state's coercive apparatus discriminate between cases of successful and failed democratization.
The coercive apparatus of the dictatorship-secret police, Republican Guard, official party, censorship-was overwhelmed and abolished.
Here, guest, was the very nerve center of the fundamental coercive apparatus of the state!
Libertarians who argue for self-determination distinguish between the voluntary nation (the land, the culture, the terrain, the people) and the state, the coercive apparatus, which they have a right to choose or self-determine.