First mention of the village comes from 1320, during the reign of Wladyslaw Lokietek.
The area came under the rule of Azcapotzalco during the reign of Tezozomoc.
His fortune, however, came from moneylending, during the reign of Henry III.
This peaceful coexistence came to an end during the reign of Diocletian (284-311).
Because those "pardons" came during the reign of George W. Bush.
His daughter, Margaret, was likely born in the 1530s and his son, Thomas, came later probably during the reign of Edward.
His first success, in book publishing, came during the reign of Generalissimo Francisco Franco.
The Ottoman golden age came during the reign of Sultan Süleyman (1520-66).
The county had come in a precarious political situation during the reign of the preceding generation.
Some 48,000 are descendants of Kurds who came during the reign of Saladin.