As Childers entered the Goulet de Brest, the vessel came under fire from French batteries flying the tricolour.
All Buckeye Bullet vehicles have been electrically powered, with power coming from either batteries or hydrogen fuel cells.
Other improvements should come from batteries that offer longer life than the nickel cadmium batteries typically used today.
The power comes either from batteries or from a mic preamp or a mixing board.
Most heavy metals in the household hazardous waste stream come from batteries, and those metals are toxic and linked to neurological illnesses and cancer.
The sparse lighting proved the station still had power, but it must have been coming from batteries; the turbines had all run dry.
Power came from built-in rechargeable batteries, which lasted up to 28 hours on full charge.
Becoming disillusioned with his riches, he set off on a spiritual journey, seeking the kind of "energy" that doesn't come from batteries.
The power for heating comes from batteries also integrated into the wetsuit.
Juno came under point-blank fire from French batteries, but was able to escape with only light damage.