The same commentator contends that, by not allowing his fellow critic to publish politicized texts, Georgescu may have intended to save his reputation.
Some commentators contend that object-oriented ontology degrades meaning by placing humans and objects on equal footing.
Some commentators contend that inflation can strike at a moment's notice.
Mr. Rabin's assassination fundamentally derails the agreement (though previous commentators not quoted here had contended it was doomed by its incompleteness).
The commentators have also contended that ideological intolerance by members of such groups has stopped political debate.
Many domestic commentators contend that these practices constitute a concrete expression of "bourgeois rights".
Some legal commentators have contended that this places an insurmountable barrier to moves.
Some commentators contend that the guilty-plea system unfairly coerces defendants into relinquishing their right to a jury trial.
Rather than concede that the Senate knew what it was doing, these commentators contend that the deletion was more a matter of careless editing.