Most commentators have dismissed the minister's remarks, noting that inflation figures are compiled by independent agencies.
The same commentator however dismisses those accounts which, he believes, led readers to believe that Der Zeltweg was "an association of revolutionary artists."
Some commentators dismiss concerns about gasoline prices, because those prices are still below previous peaks when you adjust for inflation.
You toughed it out when political commentators, cynics in your own party, even people like me, dismissed the Big Society as a shallow diversion.
One commentator dismissed "thirtysomething" as so much "pesto and angst."
Some local commentators have dismissed the questioning as a pre-election ploy by the ruling party to distance itself from the Suharto legacy.
From time to time throughout his long life, scientists and commentators dismissed him as a showman.
Western commentators dismiss these scenes as propaganda.
Many political commentators in the West dismissed this sort of challenge to Mr. Milosevic, saying dictators are not removed through the ballot box.
Most commentators dismissed this stunt as ill conceived and self-indulgent.