British commentators have tended to interpret this episode as involving the acquisition of sensitive proprietary data on the D.H.121 by a direct competitor.
Politicians and other commentators tend to speak about these long-range trends, or at least about Social Security's finances, with an air of precision.
He does not seem to have valued it highly, and subsequent commentators have tended to be dismissive or contemptuous of the work as a trumped-up patriotic potboiler.
Western commentators on the Israeli-Arab conflict tend to lay claim to objectivity.
In German constitutional law it is not considered a parliament chamber, although foreign commentators tend to do so.
European commentators tend to assume their listeners know the stories and the details.
Later commentators tended to echo the earlier opinions.
More recent commentators tend to focus on issues with the script.
Early commentators tended to understand music and Cecilia as opposing forces (music being fleshly and seductive).
Courts and commentators have tended to discuss each of these three areas of commerce as a separate power granted to Congress.