The common agents to use in this method include organosilanes and cyanuric chloride.
However, they were printed on the same presses, distributed by a common agent, and had a consolidated classified advertising department.
The latter, trimethylsilylmethyl lithium, is a relatively common alkylating agent.
In this example, hydrazine converts oxygen, a common corrosive agent, to water, which is generally benign.
Cornstarch is a common thickening agent used in cooking.
Deadly pediatric poisons: nine common agents that kill at low doses.
Oxygen dissolved in water is by far the most common oxidizing agent.
In a common source outbreak, the affected individuals had an exposure to a common agent.
Rotavirus is the most common infectious agent associated with diarrhea in the pediatric age group worldwide.
Methods for a number of the more common agents are included in the citations on this page.