You can query the Open Platform Content API using some common external identifiers, like an ISBN number for a book, or a MusicBrainz ID for a recording artist.
A common identifier naming convention is for the loop counter to use the variable names i, j, and k (and so on if needed), where i would be the most outer loop, j the next inner loop, etc.
Tattoos are also common identifiers, such as an '18' above the eyebrow to identify an 18th Street (gang) member.
That name was never used on-air on any of these stations; rather it served as a common identifier for the stations to advertising buyers (it was also used on news vehicles in Southwestern Ontario).
De-identification under the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act Privacy rule occurs when data has been stripped of common identifiers by two methods:
The intruder might have randomly selected a file with my code on it, or he could have searched for a common identifier.
So without a common identifier, this little real estate microboom flew under the radar, even through the last year of the 1920's - when its defining constituent, 133 East 80th, was planned.
This would separate data over several tables and use a common identifier to relate all the child records back to their parent.
PMI also allows cells to convert F6P into M6P, which is a common glycolytic cellular identifier for cellular transport and cell membrane identification in prokaryotic and eukaryotic organisms.
They also have a distinctly paddle shaped supra maxilla, this feature is a common identifier of Sardinella versus other genera and specific shapes of this feature may also distinguish between Sardinella species.