At least four groups have helped to forge a common viewpoint among the candidates by producing videotapes or campaign literature.
It's a common viewpoint and a part of many contemporary histories of that war.
Both groups shared a common viewpoint: that government doesn't work.
Below are some of the more common viewpoints meant by, or confused with "Determinism".
Marshall's comments depict the void that separated the two groups from working together based on their common viewpoints.
The W assumed was a neutral one, ie reflecting a public or common viewpoint.
Up until a few hundred years ago, the common viewpoint of the North Atlantic was basically Christian.
This is a common viewpoint within the profession and one that reoccurs in this report.
It is a lot easier to begin discussions on the basis of a common viewpoint and a joint analysis of the situation.
"And this allows a lot of companies to come together to create a common viewpoint on the technology and security behind the system."