LAM commonly manifests as exertional dyspnea and recurrent pneumothorax.
The power of the dramatization commonly manifests itself as monologues.
They commonly manifest themselves to Doctor Strange as a bald male humanoid head, a green female humanoid head, and a lion-like head with flaming eyes.
HDLS commonly manifests with neuropsychiatric symptoms, progressing to dementia, and after a few years shows motor dysfunction.
The "male elders who decide on community leadership roles all possess female personal icons (bara) which commonly manifest themselves in dreams as women."
This phenomenon commonly manifests itself on overhead line insulators, particularly on contaminated insulators during days of high humidity.
The violent shaking of an infant that causes shaken baby syndrome commonly manifests as diffuse injury.
It commonly manifests as dementia, memory problems, and parkinsonism (tremors and lack of coordination).
It commonly manifested itself in the 1130 variant of the engine, as a difficulty to crank the engine when hot.
The risk for BED can be present in children and most commonly manifests during adulthood.