She knew how swiftly he could read even a complicated legal document, so when he handed it back to her almost immediately she was not put out.
It was published in Antwerp instead of Spain because the Spanish engravers did not have the necessary skill to print such a complicated document.
And the Unified Bulk Program is a long and complicated document that defies easy categorization.
This 'First Map' is a strange, battered, fascinating, extremely complicated and highly characteristic document.
The following rough outline no doubt immediately preceded the rewriting of the opening chapter: the fifth version, and an exceedingly complicated document.
The text of the new version of this chapter is the most complicated document yet encountered.
To open any complicated legal document to the scrutiny of all 100 senators, with their conflicting ideological positions, would invite endless delays and hair-raising disputes.
Miss Littlebottom was a bit of a sticking point, but a dwarf does respect very complicated documents.
It does not have to be a long or complicated document.
Large, complicated documents can end up being as easy to follow as drunken, freeform jazz.