The book is stylistically very different from Seven Pillars of Wisdom, using sparse prose as opposed to the complicated syntax found in Seven Pillars.
Irrational, complicated syntax, and so loaded with idioms and multivalues that I trip even on words I think I know.
Now users must control Linux with a complicated syntax of arcane commands.
(Such functionality is supported by the Unix kernel, but few programs use it as it makes for complicated syntax and blocking modes, although some shells do support it via arbitrary file descriptor assignment).
Descriptions have the most complicated syntax and usage.
The complicated syntax, influenced by Latin texts, required some improvement of the punctuation.
On occasion her complicated syntax brings back memories of President Eisenhower.
It had a much more complicated syntax, and provided the basis for all future versions.
The aim was to discover what obstacles participants encountered while editing Wikipedia, ranging from small changes to more complicated syntax such as templates.
He avoided complicated syntax to reflect Nick's wish that the fishing trip be uncomplicated.