He said InterGen might even retrofit its plant to comply completely with California standards, assuming consumers would help pay the added cost of up to $20 million.
Unable to comply completely, Alonso practiced with her feet alone, pointing and stretching to, as she put it, "keep my feet alive."
It complies completely with the law.
In the eyes of the Republicans, those suspicions were compounded by the White House's refusal to comply completely with the committee's subpoenas and searches for documents and evidence.
Thriss complied completely with Ro's orders.
One of the generals who did not comply completely was Marcus Claudius Marcellus.
Has he decided to cooperate willingly and comply completely, or has he not?
Consequently FCO-IM is the only conceptual modeling technique that completely complies with the 100% conceptualization principle.
Nevertheless, it is still has a long way to go before it completely complies with EU norms and principles.
The text complies completely with the principle of subsidiarity, and it is also fair.