Subjects were cued (in random order) to respond to either the physical position of the word or to the conceptual meaning of the word.
A low floor in the vehicular sense is normally combined in a conceptual meaning with normal pedestrian access from a standard kerb height.
The conceptual or lexical meaning is sufficient for its indexical purpose on this occasion.
Import is derived from the conceptual meaning as the goods and services into the port of a country.
Like "ecology," the term "environment" has different conceptual meanings and overlaps with the concept of "nature."
Such configurations are the conceptual meaning underlying specialized texts in different languages, and thus facilitate specialized knowledge acquisition.
In Existentialist philosophy the term angst carries a specific conceptual meaning.
Psychlos never used them because they could not really grasp their conceptual meaning.
This term export derives from the conceptual meaning as to ship the goods and services out of the port of a country.
For the quantum equations, it would've been helpful to have defined the conceptual meaning of the mathematical operations between states ahead of time.