Yet in a conversation in his office overlooking the Place de la Bastille, the conductor kept returning to more immediate problems.
Can any conductor keep this music sounding fresh after so many years?
The conductor, a harassed look on his face, was keeping them back.
The conductor keeps them to the pitch by tinkling a tiny bell occasionally.
Irritable conductors sometimes keep one toilet locked for their own use, creating lines at the other.
"Often, the conductor will keep the doors open if he sees you running for the train," Mr. Lovett said.
The engineers and conductors must keep in constant contact with each other, particularly as trains approach rail crossings.
The conductor, Maurizio Benini, kept things moving along lithely.
The conductor kept records and handled business from a table or desk in the caboose.
One thing is sure: singers, conductors and directors will keep trying to get them right.