He declined to comment on any future policies before his confirmation proceedings.
The Fed's supervision of the case and of an industry plagued by significant bank collapses is expected to dominate his confirmation proceedings.
As part of their confirmation proceedings, both had to fill out questionnaires listing any legal matters they had become involved in.
Of the confirmation proceedings, in which hearings began only last week, he said,"I hoped it would be fair.
Those debts, which in retrospect look like clues to financial distress, emerged last year during his confirmation proceedings to become Associate Attorney General.
No less important, the public has a right to ask the senators why they dozed twice in two confirmation proceedings.
We think it's wrong for the Senate to do so in confirmation proceedings.
I still have a bad taste over his confirmation proceedings.
He could have allayed their concerns at his confirmation proceedings; instead, he increased them.
And then when they finally got into the private sector, wouldn't somehow or other confront these problems in three successive confirmation proceedings.