The choreography have three versions, each conformed by seven moves.
The associations conform to the needs imposed by its design but not by organizational limitations.
He is not conforming to their pattern by 'miraculous accident'.
He declined all attempts made to induce him to conform to Anglicanism by the offer of his life.
This argument conforms to the cognition-in-context research by Lave.
But Heinz has done just that in order to conform to the demand by government health chiefs that food should have less salt.
The market support has been officially removed because the tablet does not conform to the market requirements by Google.
Plates are designed to conform to standards with regard to being read by eye in day or at night, or by electronic equipment.
So, she conformed by smoking pot and following a fashion statement that reflected the dark attitudes of her peers: black baggy clothes.
Girls are expected to conform to a stricter morality, by their parents in particular.