And still the archers rained death upon the confused and frightened creatures.
While within was the terrified confused creature, suffering and bereaved, the pawn of powerful shadowy forces in a game that she did not understand.
The surprised, confused creature stumbled backward, its other, normal appendage grabbing at its torn face.
Though he had escaped being devoured by the wild and confused creature, he might soon perish from the interminable ride.
You led these confused creatures and many died because of your leadership.
He growled and punched the bear in the nose, forcing the confused creature into retreat, recalled a senior park warden who investigated the case.
"She's causing this," Kebron said over the shrieking of the confused creatures he heard around her.
The last of the confused creatures crossed behind it, startling the drow, and securing the other's escape.
A flip of the wrist and reversed stab took the confused creature in the spine.
The confused and frightened creatures leaped about and ran off into the night.