Mr. Boskin led a Congressionally appointed commission that concluded in December that the price index overstates inflation by about 1.1 percentage points a year.
A Congressionally appointed advisory panel has recommended that Pakistan be designated as a government that is "not cooperating fully" against terrorism.
That was one of the questions addressed by the International Financial Institutions Advisory Commission, a Congressionally appointed panel whose much-awaited report will be released today.
The Amtrak Reform Council is a congressionally appointed commission that has recommended an overhaul of the railroad.
Indeed, behind the controversy, which was set off when the Congressionally appointed panel of economists recently released its report, lie two fundamentally different ways of looking at the economy.
It was also an affirmation of an important ruling by the congressionally appointed Utah Commission in 1893 that "amnestied polygamists be allowed to vote."
"It was war justice applied to civilians," said Jorge Santistevan, the congressionally appointed ombudsman who has investigated the plight of the innocents.
The 24 rebel leaders vow to address members of a congressionally appointed peace commission on Monday with their masks on.
Indeed, Mr. Summers knows that a Congressionally appointed commission will soon propose trimming fund missions along the lines he suggests.
Last year, a Congressionally appointed Commission on National and Community Service awarded $63 million in grants for programs.