Under the law, President Bush may consider modifying the sanctions once the political prisoners have been released.
They also have said publicly they would consider modifying the company's semiautomatics to make it impossible to use larger magazines.
They said it was premature to consider modifying American policy toward Iran.
Why might Pakistan consider modifying its strategy?
Perhaps now that we are visited by so many foreigners annually, we might seriously consider modifying our coins to help visitors identify them.
Unless they're playing a game, that means they will consider modifying the exhibit by removing those things that are so hurtful to these people.
He considered modifying the other controls for the other systems, but did not want to take the time to do so.
By the way, would you consider modifying a set of encephalic attachments for Fidelio, so he can link in with me?
Re-visit and consider modifying or maintaining the programme.
Using the results of the review, the agency would then need to consider modifying or repealing such rules.