The city has its own police department, consisting of a police chief, three sergeants and 15 patrol officers.
For routine games, the stadium detail consists of 65 officers, 5 sergeants and 1 lieutenant.
Montebello has its own police department consisting of 87 sworn officers and 10 sergeants.
The Department consists of six sergeants, 4 detectives, and 19 patrol officers.
In total the invasion force consisted of 31 captains, 31 ensigns, 28 sergeants and 467 soldiers.
The Department also has an explorer post consisting of an explorer chief, lieutenant, 2 sergeants, and 3 explorers.
For a regular game, police officials said, the Shea detail consists of 1 lieutenant, 4 sergeants and 40 police officers.
There are three patrol teams, and each consist of a Lieutenant, two sergeants, and ten officers.
In 2002 the Markets Police consisted of 4 sergeants and 10 constables.
There are eight teams, each consisting of one lieutenant, three sergeants and 21 troopers or corporals for a total of 25.