In its effort to maintain balance and prevent degeneration back into Chaos, the Wave Prime constantly corrects itself.
The two went to a traditional afternoon tea, where a housekeeper constantly corrected their etiquette.
The car turns in the opposite direction and the process is repeated, The automobile wiggles down the road like a snake, constantly correcting but never correct.
The precision of the imagery comes from a computerized system that constantly corrects for distortions in the atmosphere by readjusting the optics.
Equilibrium is dynamic and constantly corrects deviations from optimality (Brewer, 1991, 2003).
Fedya was correcting constantly now, as he zeroed in on the other spacecraft.
We're free spirits by nature, but it's too late to be called a girl, so I constantly corrected them during rehearsals.
The problem is that scientists aren't infallable and they are constantly correcting themselves.
All the training machines are physical duplicates of the real surface of the planet, corrected constantly as the life forms change.
It was her mother's voice, constantly correcting her.