The government has been unwilling to address economic problems that continue to constrain economic growth.
We suggest that maternal undernutrition, by constraining fetal growth, may programme cardiovascular disease.
At some point, those bills will come due and constrain growth for many years.
Despite efforts to diversify the economy and encourage private sector participation, extensive controls of prices, credit, trade, and foreign exchange constrain growth.
Recognizing that water scarcity will constrain future growth, cities are looking to farmers - and the marketplace - for help.
Climate change could also constrain growth.
That, and the recession, have constrained growth and eaten into Time Warner's operations.
It has been shown that limited access to financial services constrains economic growth in the Philippines.
The changing demography could increase the number of elderly dependent on services and constrain economic growth in an area already facing labor shortages.
Business leaders worry that the new tax will constrain growth of the tourist industry.