He has to contend with bidding restrictions, staff quality issues and limitations on work distribution that are statutory.
Andrew Brown admits he had his own issues to contend with on the crossing including a serious power problem.
The weather was still clear; at least she wouldn't have to contend with snow on the winding drive through the gorge to her home.
In modern times, commercial and industrial interests often have to contend with the effects of production on plant and animal life.
Plymouth officials contend, on the other hand, that the criminal justice complex is the key to the community's continued fast growth.
This was another incident that made you realize he's no longer good enough to contend on a weekly basis.
Jack continued to play solid golf, contending on every hole, and with his handicap shots, we did well.
Here is a concert goer's guide to what performers have to contend with up there on the stage.
He had to work very hard, having to contend with 630 pages of statistical material from 2005 and 2006 on the fight against fraud.
Students in university have to contend with a lot of stress and demands on their time.