The continual awareness of something out of kilter made cutting easier.
Consciousness is transitive, it is the continual awareness of the passage from these totalities.
I just felt that there was a continual awareness.
The knowledge was a prickle which stimulated him to continual awareness.
If there were people around colored green or bright blue, I would have a continual primitive awareness of the difference between us, way down on that watchful animal level which is a caveman heritage.
I would be the continual awareness of things as time passed!
I am a continual awareness unto myself, the intelligence I longed for years and years ago when I was alive, and I'm in love as I've always been with the great progress of mankind.
I will just . . . you know, be the "continual awareness" for no purpose, no purpose at all.
I did not mean by this that a Supreme Being existed, but rather that there was on earth a continual intelligence, a continual awareness.