One representative said he didn't receive a single letter endorsing continued assistance.
Even the most ardent supporters of the dragonets did not wish to rely totally on their continued assistance.
That statement did not directly address the issue of continued assistance but asserted that the "last obstacles" to an Afghan settlement had been removed.
At times Prussia veered close to total collapse and was now heavily dependent on the continued British financial assistance.
The Afghan government is focused on securing continued assistance for rebuilding the economy, infrastructure, and military of the country.
It was found that the Rights issue and the continued assistance of the major shareholders would have been enough to support One.
Your continued assistance has been invaluable in producing this assessment annually.
It is with reference to your assistance, and your continued assistance, that I wish to speak to you.
This is also why we are providing continued assistance to the Saharawi refugees.
In presenting the letter, Soviet officials said that it was intended as a positive response to the American plan on continued assistance, Administration officials reported.