The official reason for his continued residence is study, but the rumor is that he is very attached to an older woman.
Our stellar configuration establishes our continued residence within the Milky-Way galaxy, so we have to be within seventy thousand light-years or so of Earth.
The pain of his continued residence in Highbury, however, must certainly be lessened by his marriage.
Eventually, it became clear to both Ray and Shambhala International that their paths were diverging and his continued residence at the RMDC became increasingly awkward for both parties.
Any argument for his continued residence in Israel that attempts to parallel his rights with those of Jewish residents is actually an argument against the Jewish state and an argument for some other sort of state.
Victims have the possibility of continued residence if they meet the criteria for residence permits.
When he rose from his knees, helping himself up by the rim of her altar, newly draped in celebration of her return, and expectation of her continued residence, he did not at once leave her.
Following international press coverage, the residents formed the Bramleys Housing Co-operative Ltd, which negotiated with Notting Hill Housing Trust for continued residence and acceptable redevelopment of the site.
I understand that the learned senior consul's chief concern is the present welfare of Rome, and that he considers the continued residence of these self-confessed traitors within our city walls to be a peril.
Prospering as the Swifts had during the last few years, neither Tom nor his father had thought their plain old house too poor or humble for a continued residence.